4 Ways to Make Brushing Fun for Children

4 Ways to Make Brushing Fun for Children

Getting young children to brush their teeth is essential to forming a life-long routine of good oral health; however, this is sometimes easier said than done. Kids are busy — between worrying about school and play time, how can they possibly make time to do something as boring and mundane as brushing their teeth?! Here are three ways to make brushing fun for kids:

  1. Let Them Watch Mom or Dad

Kids love to be like their parents, so include your child in your morning and evening oral care routines and let them emulate your good habits. Setting a good example for your child with good brushing and flossing habits will encourage them to do the same.

  1. Let Them Practice on a Toy

Give your child a toothbrush to use as a toy and let them practice on stuffed animals and dolls. By turning brushing into a game they play every day, children will have more fun and be more enthusiastic when it comes to brushing their own teeth.

  1. Offer a Reward

Like adults get a paycheck for coming to work, children can also be rewarded for doing what they’re supposed to. Don’t think of it like a bribe — the reward doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. Let your child choose a book before bed or a sticker for their sticker book.

  1. Let Them Practice on You

Sometimes it’s especially hard to get children to open their mouth for the brush, so sometimes it makes it easier to open your mouth for them first. It might be a little uncomfortable and messy, but letting your child first see there’s nothing scary or frightening about brushing your teeth will help ease any tension.

Bring Your Family to Cornerstone Family Dentistry

At Cornerstone Family Dentistry in Nashville, TN, we are dedicated to serving our Nashville community of all ages. Bring your whole family for a comprehensive oral exam or teeth cleaning by requesting an appointment today. If you have any questions about pricing or services, give us a call.