Bone and Gum Disease Treatment
Bone and gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a very common dental disease. The disease can range from simple gum swelling to major damage of the soft tissue and bone that support your teeth. If diagnosed with periodontal disease, Dr. Wilson will offer you the treatment and care you need. She and her team will provide you with a thorough explanation of the diagnosis and treatment options, and will get you on the road to a healthier mouth.
Gum Appearance
Your gums may be swollen or puffy, and look bright red, dark red, or purpleGum Feeling
Your gums may feel tender when touched and bleed easilyProfessional Dental Cleaning
A professional dental cleaning will remove the plaque and tartarScaling and Root Planing
Removes plaque and tartar deposits from above and below the gum line and root surfacesFAQs About Gum Disease
The bacteria in our mouth, along with mucus and other particles, create plaque on our teeth. Typically, brushing and flossing can help remove the plaque from our teeth. However, plaque that is not removed from our teeth can harden and form tartar. Only a specialized cleaning by a dental professional can remove tartar from our teeth. The longer we let plaque and tartar form on our teeth, the more harmful they become to our health. The bacteria can cause our gums to become red and swollen, and can bleed easily. This level of disease is known as gingivitis. When gingivitis is not properly treated, it can progress to periodontitis, which means inflammation around the tooth. If periodontitis is left untreated, the bones, gums, and tissue that support your teeth are destroyed. Eventually, your teeth will become loose and have to be removed.
- Bad breath that won’t go away
- Loose teeth
- Painful chewing
- Receding gums or longer appearing teeth
- Red or swollen gums
- Sensitive teeth
- Tender or bleeding gums
The primary goal of treatment for gum disease is to manage the infection. Your dentist may recommend a variety of treatment options, depending on the level of gum disease. One common treatment is a deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing. During the scaling process, the hygienist scrapes off the tartar from above and below the gum line. Then, root planing will remove the rough spots on the tooth root where germs gather. Regardless of the treatment type, it is important that you keep up good daily care at home.
Periodontal disease, or gum disease, doesn’t only affect your mouth. Because this disease has an effect on your entire body, it is important to receive treatment sooner rather than later. Gum inflammation and bone destruction is generally painless, so you may not feel like anything bad is happening. However, your body is in a constant state of fight against this infection and this progressive disease will get worse if left untreated. Untreated periodontal disease can increase your risk of stroke, heart attack, and atherosclerosis.